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A presentation on karl marx, and communism. by kalob.


Karl Marx, today is often regarded as the father of communism. But in his time he was just a guy. He's famous now for writing the communist manifesto, alongside his good friend Friedrich engels. Before him, there was no communist party, communist state, or radicalized party yet. He was bullied as a kid for being born jewish, even if his family never practiced the religion.


Communism, basically, is the prioritization of the working class, I.E, allowing them to seize the means of production from the upper middle class, as well as guaranteeing safe work environments. This type of thing isn't as big of a problem as it used to be however. Communism is also the abolition of class and private property. Basically, since everybody is paid the same, no one can rise up and wield their money like a weapon. Most people see abolition of private property as a bad thing, me for the most part included, but it's not like anybodys going to barge into your house and use your toothbrush simply because its owned by the government

The Bad

Of course communism isn't a perfect system, just look at the soviet union, or modern day china. They use(d) a modified version of communism that fit their own objectives. Personally, I don't think communism could ever work out to be the utopian idea that it is, because of one large, human problem. Greed. Of course people will be mad when the local grocer is getting paid just as much as a neurosurgeon. Society as a whole, or atleast the percentage with high paying jobs like that, aren't willing to take that blow for other people. Well communism is a great idea on paper, it has historically been a pretty fatal one off of it.

Your Turn!

Heres a Would you Rather question.

Would you rather be rich, but know that people in your family are starving?

know that no one is starving, but only have the bare minimum for surviving semi-comfortably


I got almost all the information in this presentation from my copy of the communist manifesto. everything else I already new as this is a preexisting interest of mine!